Powerful cloud software designed for in-home care organisations
Home Care Packages
Set up care plans, manage workers rosters, view HCP statements, export DEX reports and more with our solution for aged care providers.
From client & staff management to budgets and PRODA reporting, our software has everything to support NDIS providers.
Meals on Wheels
Create and manage clients’ recurring meal plans, assign volunteers to run rosters, control stock levels and export DEX & DSS reports.
A tailor-made solution for TFNSW to assist you with all your transportation needs such as trip planning and tracking vehicles.
About Us
“Polixen was named after my late grandmother Polixeni. Unfortunately Polixeni passed away in a nursing home a number of years ago and I saw first hand how she lost her independence and familiarity of her surrounds, this showed me just how important it is for seniors to be living in their own homes.
At Polixen we have created the first cloud only in-home care software for In-Home Aged Care organisations. These are aged care providers that send carers out into the home so people like my grandmother have the option of receiving care in their own home.”
– Mathew Vlandys (Founder)